Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Presidential Race of 2008

Election '08 has finally (and thankfully) come to an end. As you all know our choice for President Elect this year has been Senator Barrack Obama. Historical? Yes. Why? Not because of the reasons I have seen many latch onto. America has for the first time elected an African American for the presidency. What I am truly confused by is how important people are making this out to be. I did not vote in this year's election because of personal choice, however if I had voted it would have been for Barrack Obama. Do I think he is an outstanding candidate? Simply put, no. However in this case, he was the lesser of two evils. I have great reluctance trying to jump on the band wagon for change because I feel that our leaders are taking undue blame for the mistakes of the American people. So why was this election so historical if not for the obvious reason of electing a black man? Well that question hasn't been answered yet. Senator Obama will face the greatest challenge in presidential history. He will be charged with rescuing a failing nation at war with half the world and with itself. A country financially dependant on others cannot possibly put forth all resources needed to win one conflict, let alone a war with the entire middle east. The only word that comes to mind is "screwed". And Senator Obama will face an uphill battle that possibly cannot be won. My sympathies go out to him and his family.

During the results of the election, I watched as many prominent black men openly shed tears as Senator Obama was announced as President Elect Obama. If those tears were for the reasons I believe them to be, I am disgusted. How at a time of such unbelievable peril can any man woman or child be considering their own selfish desires? This was NOT a victory for African Americans. If Barrack Obama fails in his quest to save America, racism and hate will soar to an all time high. Until he proves himself, don't celebrate. This election has proved what people have been trying to say for far too long, SLAVERY ENDED, GET OVER IT!!. "White America" proved itself to be anything but racist. Maybe now, possibly, we can finally put an end to hearing minorities complain about unfair treatment... please? 'Cause its old. No one's listening anymore. A black man is going to be president and the black community wants to cry out in victory? How about this challenge, empty the jails of all black men and women. THAT would be a victory. Not this. This is not the time to rehash old wounds, this is a time to hope for the betterment of America. It truly makes me sick when I turn on the news and hear about how much of a victory this is for the black community. NEWSFLASH, if this guy sucks, you're back in the shit, aint ya? Criminity.

But I sincerely hope that President Elect Obama will save our failing nation. He faces a divided nation. Has anyone other than me noticed that when other countries refer to this one, the majority of the time they simply say "America" ? Convenience? Coincidence? Because there's a key word missing there. We were supposed to be the UNITED States of America. Seems somewhere we lost the world "united". And as we all now, a divided nation cannot stand. I've heard at times people say that we are constantly on the brink of civil war. There's two major problems with this theory. The first being that we are so divided that definitive sides could not be drawn. It would be each person against each other person, occasionally stopping to consider morality before killing a child or family member. The second major problem is total indifference. I personally would lobby for the name of this country to be changed to "The Indifferent States of America". I would be surprised if 5 percent of this country cared deeply enough for one issue fight for it. The only things fought for are money and convenience. It's a sad realization, but this country no longer cares about anything.

This is the country that President Elect Obama will be asked to govern. Seem possible? I laugh. The American People cannot be satisfied. As with all in this world, it will take a great tragedy for people to start caring long term again. As sad of a day as it was, even 9/11 wasn't enough to keep the American people interested. If it had been, the biggest issue on the ticket would have been homeland security, and more likely than not Senator McCain would be President Elect McCain. Since that obviously did not happen, it shows that the American people are more worried about self than they are about country. Sort of makes you rethink your right to life doesn't it? Food for though.

My biggest worry of Barrack Obama is that he will become another eloquent and popular president who behind closed doors is the biggest hypocrite in the US. Yes, I'm comparing him to another president. Eloquent Hypocrisy? Ring a bell? Oh yeah, I'm talking of good old Honest Abe himself. The most eloquent president ever known. Stood against slavery, except in personal letters to friends where he wrote "If I could end this war without ending slavery, I would.."

On a totally separate concept, I beg this of you. Everyone remember Nostradamus? I believe, if I am correctly remembering it, that he predicted an anti-Christ to appear just before the end of the world in 2012ish... and this anti Christ would appear as another great man...

Well the date for the end of the world would come during Barrack Obama's presidency according to him. His eloquence is definitely eerily similar to Abe Lincoln's. Lincoln stood to "free blacks".. What have black communities been saying of the election of Barrack Obama? That the black communities are "finally free". Coincidental comparisons? Possibly. Possibly not. Is it possible that Barrack Obama is indeed the anti Christ and will lead the world to its end? Its not entirely difficult to consider if you consider the state the world is in. I do not pretend to know if any truth exists in prophecies. But the comparisons are there, and thus far the things predicted could very well be leading towards Barrack Obama causing the end of the world, or at least the United States.

I am excited to be living during this time. 2013 will be a great year for me. My personal feeling, and this is gut feeling without any rational explanation, is that the world will end and I will see it's end. I will not have children until 2013... just in case.

However with all of this said, I believe John McCain would have destroyed us more quickly than Barrack Obama ever could. And truth be told, after 8 years of the Bush Admin. I'm truly tired of having a president that's a stumbling bumbling idiot. John McCain stuttered and looked on the verge of breakdown throughout most of the race. I could not have stood to see 4 more years of our president being a joke. At least Barrack Obama, whether the anti-Christ or not, will at least appear to have some dignity in office.

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